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A Bowl Full of Lemons a Bowl Full of Lemons Art Drawing

Learn to make wall art with IOD transfers and stamps

IOD sisters teach how to draw lemons in a bowl

Crafting lemons in a bowl for DIY decor

Post updated July i, 2021

Practise whatsoever of these descriptions sound similar y'all?

A. You want to make something, simply never thought of yourself as "artistic" then you don't even attempt.

B. You honey to create but feel bored with it considering you proceed making the same things.

C. Making is only fun for y'all if yous become to do it with others but there are no workshops near y'all.

D. Yous're a little bit of everything higher up – or perhaps you're NONE of the above!!!

No matter which ane you relate to, what can you do about it?

Make "Lemons in a Bowl," of course! 🍋🍋🍋 And who better to exercise that with than us, Sally and Josie (The IOD Sisters)?!?

Notation: This is a Limited ENROLLMENT course that opens up to the public simply twice a year. Spring enrollment airtight on June xxx, 2021 .

⇨ Enter your name and email accost below so we tin notify y'all when the course is reopening.

DIY Lemons in a Bowl wall art

Want to salve this grade for later? Pin this post.

Josie and Sally (The IOD Sisters)

You know how much nosotros admire inspiring and teaching y'all, our beloved Creative Tribe. That's why we want to go on sharing new ways to help you abound your skills to the side by side level.

That might be moving you from a complete craft newbie to a hobbyist or from an experienced upcycler to an avant-garde DIYer.

Whatever your skill level, we ❤️ you! This class is our way of continuing to encourage you on your creative journey wherever you are!

Only what the doctor ordered to bust you lot out of your artistic rut or to start your very first adventure!

Through a serial of self-paced footstep-by-step videos, nosotros concur your hand while you create a classic wall piece of a flow blue china bowl filled with fresh summer lemons.

On elevation of making this beautiful wall decor, in this grade you'll learn techniques you lot can utilise to other DIY and crafting projects. And if y'all go stuck, you'll have access to an exclusive Facebook group merely for students of this course where the IOD Team will jitney y'all through and cheer you on.

Here's what some of our students are saying:

I recently purchased your class on the lemons in a basin and I loved everything near it. The video was and so good and thorough. The written instructions were very detailed and easy to follow.

– Debra H.

I think your Lemons in Bowl grade is super great, because it is really suitable for everyone. The individual steps are fun and are also explained dandy (because of my lack of English skills yous even take photos) so zippo can happen. And from a elementary board to this final result, the creative experience is just mega!

– Anja M.

So, if you feel like life is full of lemons right now and yous just want to make lemonade come join us! Nosotros tin't wait to meet you.

⇨ Enter your name and email address below then we can notify y'all when the course is reopening.

Here are the materials you lot demand to take this class.

Full general supplies:

  • Slice of white paper viii.v 10 11 in
  • Pencil & pen or marking
  • ane" flat creative person brush
  • Thin tipped liner brush
  • Glass of water & water in a spray bottle
  • Scissors
  • Lint-free shop textile
  • Clear matte finish sealer
  • Tap in saw-toothed motion-picture show hanger
  • Hammer
  • Medium dust sanding block
  • Plastic plate or another flat surface for your paint palette

Paint (approximately 4oz of each):

  • Beige
  • Light Gray
  • Nighttime Gray
  • Dark Blue
  • White
  • Olive Green

IOD Products:

  • Bohemia Stamp
  • Brayer
  • Lemon Drops Transfer
  • xi ten xiv in IOD Gallery Blank Art Console (You tin can too utilize skilful quality cut sande plywood)
  • IOD Sparse Mount


  • Distressed Postage by IOD
  • Fan to subtract dry fourth dimension
  • Red pigment

All the IOD supplies used in this course can exist purchased from an canonical IOD stockist. Go here to find one almost you. Many also care decor paints and can recommend specific colors, if you enquire.

If you just want an "easy button," several stockists too offering curated kits tailored to the "Lemons in a Bowl" course. Cheque out this post to see the related kits.

Note: This is a Express ENROLLMENT course that opens up to the public but twice a yr. Spring enrollment will close on June 30, 2021 . Once y'all purchase the course, you lot volition have unlimited access until the course is retired (and don't worry we'll give yous plenty of advanced notice before that happens.)


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